Sapphire has been making Ultimate edition fanless graphics cards for a long time, going back all the way to the Radeon 9000 series in 2003. The lower-end GPU boasts very modest power draw, allowing Sapphire to produce a completely fanless version, the HD 7750 Ultimate, which is the subject of this review. More mainstream cards followed in the wake of this applause - like the US$110 HD 7750, pitiful by comparison to the early high-end releases, but a piece of hardware that will ultimately find its way into many more systems.

As with previous generations, the top models were released first, the US$449 HD 7950 and US$549 HD 7970, to garner positive press for mind-blowing high resolution and multi-monitor gaming performance. A few months ago, AMD launched the HD 7000 series of graphics cards to much fanfare.